Matthew-12_33-45 PDF
For discussion:
This week the sermon focused on this Holy Spirit.
- Describe a time when you only partially enjoyed something that belonged to you fully?
- The Holy Spirit produces various kinds of fruit when we walk with him. In what ways do you see the fruit of
the Spirit growing in your life?
Matthew 12:33-37 The Fruit of a Good Heart
This paragraph continues to describe Jesus' confrontation with the Pharisees regarding blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
- What would this passage mean if the good or bad trees Jesus referred to were the Pharisees? What if the trees refer to Jesus himself? What do you think the important message is?
- How does it make you feel to read that you will give account for "every careless word" you speak?
- What can we do so that we are full of "good treasure" and our words bring forth good?
Matthew 12:38-42 Jesus Signs and Faith
- How does this event fit with Jesus overall confrontation with the Pharisees in this section?
- Even John's disciples had sought evidence that Jesus was the Christ, so what is the matter with the Pharisees demand? Why does Jesus describe the sign of Jonah even though he had performed so many signs and miracles?
- The generation that Jesus addressed had the opportunity to see Jesus and his miracles. Even though the Ninevites of Jonah's time repented based on the preaching on Jonah, and the queen of the South sought out God (presumably) through visiting Solomon. How do you think we compare with the Ninevites and Jesus contemporaries?
Matthew 12:43-45 True Repentance
In this section Jesus continues his condemnation of the Pharisees.
- In what way do you think the Pharisees had an initial "house cleaning"?
- Why is the person described remain vulnerable even though they had an initial "house cleaning"?
- What is the practical warning of this passage?
- What does this all mean for us? The messages of following the Holy Spirit, having a good heart, good speech, being faithful, and truly repenting? How do they fit together?